The winner of the RisWallet Giveaway is...

10:50 AM Posted by Centsible Mommy

For starters I am loving all the giveaways here on Centsible Mommy for two reasons: one- I get to meet some new people as they enter the contests as I visit your blogs and sites and two- because I get to share all the great products that I absolutely love with all my readers and visitors. I...okay, enough of my ramblings as I know most of you are anxiously awaiting to see if you won the Riswallet Giveaway. Unfortunately, there was only one up for grabs as I would love for all of you to have one of these rockin Riswallets. It's awesome...I love mine...yeah, I'm still rambling...okay the random number generator picked jennem's entry number. Congratulations, jennem! I emailed you at the email address you left with your entry with a request for your name, shipping address, and a confirmation of the choice of wallet that you selected in your entry!

Okay, I do have to ramble a bit more here, but it's for good reason! Some of my readers are reporting that some of my emails are ending up in their spam/junk folders. Me? In the junk folder? I am a little! But seriously, a winner nearly did not get their prize as the 72 hour claim period was just about to expire. Fortunately on a whim they checked their junk folder and there was my email "You have won!" So, if you signed up for my blog by email or entered a contest and want to know if you've won, please add my email address ( to your safe list. Those will be the only reasons I contact my readers, unless of course you ask me to for another reason.

Have a great day everyone and don't forget to check out all the giveaways going on this week (LilyBugs, Greatest Secrets of the Coupon Mom, and the newest Nola Meadows Studio) with more to come VERY soon!


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