Friday, March 14, 2025

Motherhood With Attitude: Shopping & To Do List Giveaway! NOW CLOSED!

8:00 AM Posted by Centsible Mommy

Motherhood is not just about warm hugs and teddy bears…let’s face it motherhood can be chaotic at times. Before 7 am, you probably have already been picking cheerios out from between the cushions of your couch, refereeing a baby brawl, and wiping hand prints of what appears to be last night’s dinners from your walls. You still have to dress the kids and yourself, feed the pets, clean the house, make breakfast, and the list goes on and on and on…it is enough to make your head spin. So when I came across this website, Motherhood With Attitude, I laughed and laughed and laughed some more…finally someone out there who understands the craziness of motherhood and can make light of it with humor!

Motherhood With Attitude has the greatest selection of note cards, thank you cards, greeting cards, to do list & shopping list & more all featuring mommy humor. I absolutely love the lists. I don’t know about you but after a long day, I need to make lists to keep myself on track and why not do it with their hilarious shopping list and to do list. I especially love the shopping list as who can keep a clear head at the grocery store after a long day, especially with a few kids in your cart. I know I can’t.

Close Up of To Do List

Close Up of Shopping List

Wanna Win Some Lists?
So okay, you are nodding your head in agreement about the craziness that is sometimes your life. Motherhood With Attitude and I understand motherhood can be chaotic at times and want to help one lucky winner reclaim some of their sanity (and have a laugh while doing it ) with the help of these really funny and useful shopping and to do lists.

One lucky winner will receive a shopping list and a to do list ( a $11.95 value)

How do you win?
Simple….click over to Motherhood with Attitude’s website and check out all their products. (Please do not say the lists are your favorite. If they are, please mention an additional item as well.) Then come back here and leave a comment or email me about which ones you thought were hilarious. Not a momma, and don’t yet understand the humor, try winning these lists for a friend who is a mother-I guarantee you she will.

Want extra entries? ~Please leave an separate comment for each additional entry~
1.) Refer a friend and if they enter and leave your name too, you’ll get an extra entry!
2.) Blog it! Post about this giveaway and submit the link and get an additional entry!
3.) Put my banner on your blog or website, tell me you have added it, and get an additional entry!

Entries must be received by Sunday, August 31st. Winner will be announced Monday, September 1st. The winner will be chosen using a random number generator.

Wanna Save?
Motherhood With Attitude is offering my readers 10% off their purchase. Just type in the code “centsible” at the promo code spot at checkout.

Good Luck and as always keep checking back for more giveaways! I have some great ones coming up. Some even the kids will love! Also, if you have not yet entered the Country Bob's giveaway, there's still time to enter. Please enter here. The deadline is Thursday 08/28/08.

67 guests said:

  1. kygirl said...

    I really like the pure hugs Notecards.

  2. mverno said...

    chicken is always good

  3. Centsible Mommy said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  4. Anonymous said...

    I like the greeting cards and that you can build your own box of cards-the sayings on the cards are great,she sure knows motherhood!
    Elaine R


    think the greeting cards like welcome to motherhood- sleepdeprived are funny

  6. Anonymous said...

    pure hugs notecards

  7. Jenn S. said...

    The In Charge of Small Children
    card is really cute. I really like the build your own box idea.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Ha Ha the Thank you -alone Card is awesome! I love the art behind these products!!

    Sandra Wright

    arbonne_wright at

  9. susan1215 said...

    I like the Pure Hugs Notecards

  10. Anonymous said...

    I like the moms journey greeting cards

  11. Annie1 said...

    LOL there are some great greeting cards!!

    I especially like the "You can lead a child to Potty...."


  12. Anonymous said...

    I love the box sets. My favorite is the Dog one. :)

  13. StuffSmart said...

    I like the build your own card sets. These are so cute, so true!

    Ann from Ann-Crabs referred me.

  14. Heather R said...

    I like the famous quotes notecards.

  15. souldolphindream said...

    I love in charge or small children greeting card. my son was famous for putting stuff in the toilet
    thanks for the giveaway

  16. Stephanie said...

    I loved the greeting cards!

  17. Stephanie said...

    You are officially added to my new blog that will eventually be featured on KOLD.

  18. kamewh said...

    I love the Day of Chaos Thank you cards! Hilarious!

    P.S. You've been "tagged" - See my blog for details! :)

  19. HilLesha O'Nan said...

    I like the greeting cards.

  20. chromiumman said...

    love the greeting cards

  21. windycindy said...

    I think the notecard called "Top 5 List" is funny. Please enter me in your list pads giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  22. Karen said...

    I love the greeting cards !

  23. Anonymous said...

    I like A Moms Journey Greeting Cards.

  24. Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

    I like the new mom greeting cards.

  25. idahomom said...

    Very nice stuff - I like the pure Hugs.

  26. Tobye said...

    The build your own box idea is neat.

  27. Anonymous said...

    I really like the Pure Hugs note cards and the build your own box of cards.

  28. Mia J. said...

    I like the pure hugs note cards although the Erma Bombeck and the other quotes were great too.

  29. Anonymous said...

    The build your own boxes of cards.

  30. tatertot374 said...

    Thank you for having this. These are just fantastic! I also like the MA! Favorites 1 box sets. Hilarious! Thank you!

  31. llinda29 said...

    Pure Hugs note cards are my choice

  32. Tonya said...

    Ilove the time alone notecards! Funny! That happens at my house too.

  33. Be Thou Exalted said...

    I love the note cards! I have several friends in mind for those!

  34. Jerry, Lauren, Kaylee, and Isaac! said...

    I love from the toddler time. It gets easier. I am at this phase right now. :) I will post you on my blog tommorow but I am just too tired tonight. thanks

  35. Karen said...

    Toddler Time!

  36. seesawstar said...

    I am absolutely in love in the dog painting one. We've got two dogs, and my husband has already said he's prepared to come home one day and find a strange dog in his house because our little princess decided to play hair salon for the day...

  37. seesawstar said...

    Just so you know, I have linked to you from my blog, My Precious Pennies. Here is the perma-link:

  38. seesawstar said...

    I have also added your banner to my blog, My Precious Pennies, under "Blogs that I love". I love the little piggybank on a leash! So cute!

  39. sabb266 said...

    I like the famous quotes note cards and I really like that you can build your own box!

  40. Danielle said...

    The lists made me laugh, but I also like the Potty Training Card.

    ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

  41. Anonymous said...

    I like the new mom cards a lot. Thanks for sharing these products with us!


  42. janetfaye said...

    Potty Training card is funny and cute.

    Thank you!

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  43. Anonymous said...

    My favorite it the Thank You Box Set! All of the items on her site would be great for ANY mom!

  44. Anonymous said...

    Just wanted to let you know that I posted a link for your giveaway on my blog!

    Thanks for offering such a great gift!

  45. Diana said...

    I love the card about naptime and I think it is great that each card gives the story behind the picture on the back.

  46. Anonymous said...

    I love the build your own box set of greeting cards! I think I might just have to purchase some!! THese are so cute! Thanks for sucha great giveaway the list are adorable!! hope to win!!

  47. BooLovey said...

    I love the "Your child is two" card. As the mother of a 4 year old, 3 year old, 1 year old, and 3 month old I can relate and I want to send the card to all my friends!

  48. maria said...

    Oh my goodness, the MA! Favorites box set. Love this site!

    msanchezmasi (at) fmtcs (dot) com

  49. pam said...

    I can relate to the "Time alone" thank you cards. Too funny.

  50. Brn2lisn said...

    The one that I thought was funny was the Sleep Deprived.


  51. Jennifer said...

    I liked the build your own box set. That would be fun. Also, I love your blog! Too cute!


  52. stacie marie said...

    I like the Top 5 List Greeting Card. So true!

  53. Centsible Mommy said...

    Email entry from Christy James:
    I really like the greeting card that says "Welcome Motherhood" to the cult
    of sleep deprived happy people.

  54. Nanna said...

    I love the greeting cards! Such fun!

  55. Tammy said...

    I like the Top 5 List Greeting Card - how true!

  56. Unknown said...

    These are so cute. I really like the Famous Quotes Box Set. I love the Shree one. Very sweet. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  57. Anonymous said...

    I like the pure hugs notecards.

  58. bison61 said...

    I like the new mom greeting cards

    tiramisu392 (at)

  59. Anonymous said...

    I think the Stone notecards are really neat.

  60. Anonymous said...

    I like the note cards based on famous quotes. That would add a bit of fun to note writing.

  61. Anonymous said...

    I think it's cool you can build your own box set of greeting cards!

  62. Anonymous said...

    I like the Time Alone note cards


  63. Julie Donahue said...

    I love the greeting card with the Mark Twain Comment:
    My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.

  64. Julie Donahue said...

    I have your button on my new blog:

  65. Donna said...

    I like the In Charge of Small Children card

  66. Donna said...

    I put your button on my blog

  67. masonsgranny59 said...

    pure hugs notecards