Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now!

2:05 AM Posted by Centsible Mommy

I've been singing the old school Red Hot Chili Peppers song "Give it Away Now" Is that even the title, who knows? But I am sure most of you are familiar with the song! This song popped into my head as I was sitting down scheduling all the great giveaways I have planned for this month & next.

By the way, if you have not yet entered the B. Happy Bag giveaway, click here to enter. You have till Sunday night 11:59 p.m to enter. The winner will be announced Monday morning with another great giveaway scheduled to start shortly after that same morning.

I won't tell you what the next giveaway is just yet though, as to not spoil the surprise. Instead, I will give you a chance to earn an additional entry by guessing what the next giveaway is. Here's some hints: It's custom made, fits into your purse, and it's oh so trendy. Go ahead give it a go. Email me with your guess. If you're right, you'll get an extra entry! I am only looking for a specific answer-as in what item from what "spot"?

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