Thursday, January 23, 2025

Woohoo!!! Another $50 check from Revolution Money Exchange!

12:21 AM Posted by Centsible Mommy

For those whom haven't signed up free for Revolution Money Exchange yet, I suggest you do so soon, as I do not know how much longer they will be offering the $25 for signing up! And for a limited time too-you can receive an additional $10 for those who sign up beneath you! It won't make you rich, but a little extra income never hurt anybody. You can make up to $500 in referrals! If your a blogger, just put the link on your site and you wil be sure to get some sign-ups because it such a great program. Revolution Money Exchange is Pay Pal's competitor and they are looking to get some business, thus they are offering the $25 as a sign up incentive.

Sign up here if you haven't already!!

I used my $50 to buy my son's first bike and to go out for lunch!!

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